Workshop Package
Este paquete incluye:
- 40 x Etiquetas Originales
- 50 x Mini Etiquetas
- 3 x Marcas para Mini Bolsas
- 15 x Etiquetas Redondas

The Workshop Package was designed for professionals in the field as well as do-it-yourself-ers at home in their souped up garage. This is the perfect set of labels and tags for contractors, installers, mechanics, repairmen and any other trade that utilizes a lot of tools that are easily lost or mixed up with colleagues (or neighbours that like to borrow your 8" ratcheting adjustable wrench with cushion grip).
Attach Mini Bag Tags to tool box handles or bag straps. Use the Original Labels on larger tools, phones and laptops. The Mini Labels can be used on all tool handles and other skinny items and the Round Labels fit nicely on smaller items such as measuring tapes, levels and screw containers.
All products in this package must have the same personalized text. You may choose different designs for each product.
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